Lotto Winner Almost Misses A $24.1 Million Prize

October 29th, 2017   ·   Add Your Comment Now...

This lucky man almost threw away a $24.1 million lottery jackpot because he doesn’t check his tickets regularly. His habit of watching the news on TV saved him.

It turns out that Jimmie Smith had bought a ticket that won the jackpot back in the spring. Since then the ticket had been carelessly kept at a shirt pocket along with more unchecked tickets. But when Smith heard the news of a missing jackpot winner, he was encouraged to check his entries. That’s how he found out just in the nick of time that he was millionaire. There were only two days left before the ticket would have expired when he made his claim!

The prize must have been Smith’s reward for buying tickets for a long time even though he had not won anything substantial. If he continues playing the lottery, chances are he’ll be checking the results more often.

The retired security guard has since chosen to receive the entire prize over a period of 26 years. He has not completely made up his mind how to use his fortune but plans to discuss the matter with his family.


Playing The Lottery: What Really Works

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